Nandi Hills, located approximately 60 km from Bangalore, is a popular destination for trekkers. The total trek distance to reach the top of Nandi Hills is approximately 8 km if you start from the base of the hill, though many visitors choose to drive up to the parking area and then walk the remaining shorter distance to the peak.

If you’re doing the full trek from the base, depending on your pace, it can take anywhere from 3 to 4 hours to reach the top. Experienced trekkers may be able to do it in less time. The trek is considered moderate in difficulty, with the trail gradually becoming steeper as you ascend.

If you are driving and then walking from the parking area, the final climb to the peak is much shorter and takes about 15-30 minutes.

Remember to account for extra time to enjoy the scenic views, explore the hill fortress, and take photographs. It’s recommended to start your trek early in the morning to avoid the heat and to catch the beautiful sunrise for which Nandi Hills is famous.

Before setting out for your trek, ensure you are well-prepared with proper shoes, enough water, snacks, and sun protection. Always check local advisories for safety information and to verify that the path is open for trekking.