Want To Lead A Trek?

Join our exciting community of photographers, travelers & influencers.

  • Are you someone who’s an outdoor person, and loves to travel?
  • You think you can creep and sleep in a tent, survive on wild berries, and help your team mates whenever they need support?
  • Have you ever gone out for treks and explored those places where there’s lesser footfall?
  • Do you have those charismatic qualities needed to be a leader?
  • Are you as responsible as the Captain of the ship?

Well, if your answer is “YES” for all the above, then you can drop your details here, and we shall see if you can be that perfect “Trek Lead” we are looking for.

Note: This is a part time role which is only meant for weekends. Thanks for showing interest in “Trek Lead”.

    We'd love to hear from you

    Send us a message and we'll respond as soon as possible

    Background Contact Info


    Phone : +91 991 662 7799

    Email : hello@tripbae.com