Kumara Parvatha, often referred to as “KP”, is one of the most popular and challenging treks in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India. Nestled within the Pushpagiri Wildlife Sanctuary, this peak offers trekkers a blend of dense forests, steep trails, and mesmerizing vistas.

Distance and Duration:

The total trekking distance for Kumara Parvatha is approximately 26 to 28 kilometers (round trip), depending on the route you take. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Kukke Subramanya to Bhatt’s House: Around 7 kilometers. It’s the first major halt where many trekkers rest and have meals. The trail up to Bhatt’s house is a mix of dense forest cover and meandering paths.
  2. Bhatt’s House to Shesha Parvatha: About 5-6 kilometers. This part of the trek is more demanding with steep climbs, meadows, and rocky patches.
  3. Shesha Parvatha to Kumara Parvatha Peak: Roughly 1 to 1.5 kilometers. This segment can be steep and a bit challenging, but once you reach the peak, the panoramic views are rewarding.

The total one-way trekking distance is approximately 13-14 kilometers.


For an average trekker:

  • Kukke Subramanya to Bhatt’s House: 3-4 hours.
  • Bhatt’s House to Shesha Parvatha: 4-5 hours.
  • Shesha Parvatha to Kumara Parvatha Peak: 1-1.5 hours.

The entire trek, if done without rushing and with ample breaks, can take anywhere between 8 to 10 hours one way. Many trekkers choose to camp overnight, either near Bhatt’s house or at the forest clearing before Shesha Parvatha, making it a two-day trek.

Tips for Trekkers:

  1. Permits: You’ll require permits for trekking and camping. These can be obtained at the forest check post or in advance.
  2. Stay Hydrated: The trail has limited water sources. Carry sufficient water, especially if trekking in the hotter months.
  3. Pack Light: Given the challenging nature of the trek, it’s advisable to carry only essential items.
  4. Footwear: Ensure you wear sturdy and comfortable trekking shoes.
  5. Leave No Trace: Respect nature and avoid littering. Carry your waste back with you.


The Kumara Parvatha trek, with its varied terrain and breathtaking views, promises an unforgettable experience for both novice and seasoned trekkers. The journey is as mesmerizing as the destination, making it a must-do for trekking enthusiasts.