Hidden amidst the vast expanse of nature, the Skandagiri Sunrise Trek stands as a testament to the breathtaking beauty of South India. For those seeking an adrenaline-filled escapade or a momentary escape from the bustling urban life, this trek offers an unforgettable experience.

Skandagiri, also known as Kalavara Durga, is a mountain fortress located approximately 70 km from Bangalore. This beautiful location has become synonymous with the sunrise trek owing to the mesmerizing view of the sun rising above the clouds, creating a sea of misty waves you feel you can almost touch.

Booking Your Trek

Booking the Skandagiri Sunrise Trek has become increasingly simple, catering to both tech-savvy adventurers and those less familiar with digital platforms.

  1. Official Websites: Several official trekking websites offer comprehensive packages for the Skandagiri trek. It’s essential to ensure that the site is credible and has positive reviews from other trekkers.
  2. Local Tour Operators: For those who prefer a more personal touch, there are numerous local tour operators in and around Bangalore who can curate tailored experiences.
  3. On-site Booking: If you’re feeling spontaneous, you can drive to the base camp and book on the spot. However, this method might be a bit risky during peak seasons as slots fill up quickly.

Preparation and Tips

  • Fitness: While the trek is moderately challenging, ensuring you’re physically fit will make the experience more enjoyable. Start with light cardio exercises a week before the trek.
  • Packing: Ensure you carry essentials like water, energy bars, a flashlight, and wear comfortable trekking shoes.
  • Respect Nature: The trek’s beauty lies in its pristine nature. Carry a trash bag to collect any waste and avoid littering.
  • Safety: Stick to the marked paths, and if you’re not with a guided group, ensure someone knows of your whereabouts.

The Experience

The Skandagiri Sunrise Trek begins in the wee hours of the morning. As you ascend, you’ll be surrounded by the peaceful chirping of crickets and the cool night breeze. As dawn approaches, the silhouette of the surrounding hills becomes prominent against the lightening sky.

The moment of truth arrives when the first rays of the sun pierce through the thick blanket of mist. The sight of the golden orb rising, reflecting its light on the sea of clouds below, is truly ethereal.


The Skandagiri Sunrise Trek is more than just a trek. It’s a journey, an experience, and a memory that will etch itself into the minds of those who undertake it. So, if you’re yearning for a blend of adventure and tranquility, this trek should undoubtedly be on your bucket list.