Nestled in the Shathashrunga mountain range, Antaragange is a popular trekking destination located near Kolar in Karnataka, India. Known for its unique landscape featuring volcanic rocks and cave formations, Antaragange presents an exciting blend of trekking and cave exploration for adventure enthusiasts.

  1. About the Trek: Antaragange, which translates to ‘Ganges from deep’ in the local language, is named after the perennial spring near the Kashi Vishweshwara Temple at the mountain base. The spring is believed to originate from the Ganges and flow underground. The trek typically begins from this temple.
  2. Trek Route: The total trekking distance is approximately 4 kilometers, and it usually takes 3-4 hours to complete the entire trek. The path involves steep steps at the beginning, which lead to the hilltop. From there, trekkers can explore the surrounding terrain and numerous caves formed by volcanic rocks and boulders.
  3. Difficulty Level: The Antaragange trek is considered moderately difficult. While the steps at the beginning provide an easy ascent, the trail becomes challenging as you proceed towards the caves. The caves can be narrow and require a certain level of physical fitness and agility to navigate.
  4. Caving Exploration: Antaragange is also known as Dakshina Kashi or Kashi of the South because of its religious significance and the number of temples present. Caving or spelunking is one of the main attractions of Antaragange, with several natural caves spread across the hill.
  5. Night Trek: The Antaragange night trek is a popular option among trekkers, offering an exhilarating experience under the starlit sky. The quiet of the night, coupled with the thrill of cave exploration, makes for a unique adventure.
  6. Best Time to Visit: Antaragange can be visited throughout the year. However, the post-monsoon months from October to March offer pleasant weather, making it an ideal time for trekking and cave exploration.
  7. Essentials: Trekking shoes, a good torch (especially for a night trek), adequate water, snacks, and a first-aid kit are recommended essentials for the trek.

Exploring Antaragange offers an engaging mix of adventure, natural beauty, and a taste of the region’s religious significance. Remember to respect the natural surroundings and ensure safety while enjoying this thrilling trek.

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