Nandi Hills, a haven for nature enthusiasts located in the southern part of India, is one of the most picturesque locations in the state of Karnataka. If you’re planning to indulge in a trekking expedition, this article sheds light on the trekking distance and other related details.

Where is Nandi Hills? Nandi Hills or Nandidurga is situated approximately 60 kilometers north of Bangalore. With an altitude of about 1,478 meters above sea level, it promises a mesmerizing view of the surrounding valleys and water bodies.

Trekking Distance The primary distance covered in a typical Nandi Hills trek is approximately 4-5 kilometers, depending on the route taken. Trekkers generally start from the base and make their way to the top.

Base to Summit Route The trek from the base to the summit can be achieved via multiple paths, but the most popular one is the paved road. While it’s often used by vehicles, early morning trekkers can take advantage of the less trafficked hours. This path spans around 7 kilometers and offers a gradual ascent, making it suitable for beginners.

Karanji Lake Route Another interesting route is the one that starts from Karanji Lake, located at the foot of the hills. This path is a bit more rugged, surrounded by dense vegetation, and is approximately 5 kilometers in length. This route is perfect for those looking for a bit more challenge and wanting to be in close touch with nature.

Time Taken On average, it takes about 1.5 to 3 hours to reach the top, depending on your pace and the route chosen. Ensure you wear comfortable footwear and carry enough water, as the ascent can get tiring, especially during the hotter months.

Best Time to Trek The best time to trek Nandi Hills is during the cooler months, between September and February. The temperatures are milder, and the surroundings are bathed in a lush green after the monsoon showers.

Things to Note

  1. Entry Fees: While entry to Nandi Hills is ticketed, the charges are nominal. Make sure to check the latest rates and timings before your visit.
  2. Safety: Although the paths are relatively safe, it’s advisable to start your trek early in the morning to avoid the vehicular traffic that increases as the day progresses.
  3. Flora & Fauna: Nandi Hills is home to diverse species of birds, making it a paradise for bird watchers. Alongside, you might also come across various plants and smaller animals native to the region.

In Conclusion Trekking Nandi Hills is an experience that promises not just physical exercise but also a visual and spiritual treat. The distance might be short compared to other treks, but the panoramic vistas, the serenity, and the rich biodiversity make every step worth it.

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