Kumara Parvatha, situated in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India, is one of the most challenging and popular trekking destinations in South India. Standing at an elevation of 1,712 meters, this peak offers an exhilarating trekking experience, spectacular views, and a chance to be close to nature.

The fees associated with the Kumara Parvatha trek may vary depending on various factors, including the trekking route chosen, the type of accommodation, and the trekking agency, if one is hired. As of my knowledge cut-off in September 2021, here are the general costs associated with the trek:

  1. Trekking Permit Fee: The Forest Department of Karnataka charges an entry fee for trekking in the Pushpagiri Wildlife Sanctuary, where Kumara Parvatha is located. This fee can range from INR 200 to 300 per person.
  2. Guide Fee: While the trail is well marked, beginners or those not confident about navigating the trail may hire a local guide. The cost of a guide can vary greatly, depending on your negotiation skills and the season.
  3. Camping Fee: Camping at the designated area near the Forest Department’s checkpoint (Bhattaramane) may involve a fee. You will also have to rent or bring your own camping equipment.
  4. Food: If you plan to eat at Bhattaramane, the only place that offers meals during the trek, you may need to budget for this as well. The cost generally includes dinner, breakfast, and packed lunch.
  5. Transportation: The cost of transportation to and from the base of the trek (Subrahmanya village) is not included in the trek fee and depends on your mode of transport and the distance from your place of origin.
  6. Trekking Agencies: If you prefer an organized trek, several agencies offer package deals for the Kumara Parvatha trek. These can range anywhere from INR 2,000 to INR 3,500 per person. These packages usually include permits, guide fee, food, and sometimes transportation from Bangalore.

Please note that the prices mentioned are indicative, and actual costs may vary. Also, it’s always a good idea to check for recent updates as policies and fees can change.

Trekking at Kumara Parvatha is indeed a challenging yet rewarding experience. Planning your trip well, understanding the costs involved, and preparing for the trek accordingly will ensure you have an unforgettable adventure.